Se7en Green Bottles (2020)


"Se7en Green Bottles"


Le défi du rade - affiche


"Se7en Green Bottles" is a film written by Mick Dow that he co-directed with François Zaïdi


The film was shot in London during the England confinement, in early june 2020, so no cast or crew actually met face to face...


It is a political thriller with a 6 minutes duration.


After their first meet in early 2019 at a US festival, Mick came up with the project and contacted François Zaïdi to get him onboard.


Gigowatt Film co-produces the film with Mick's company: Rubber Duck Productions.



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 and here is the facebook link :



Bande Annonce

Se7en Green Bottles


Produit par Rubber Duck & Gigowatt Film

Ecrit par Mick Dow

Réalisé par Mick Dow et François Zaïdi


Sélections et Prix en festivals :


1 - Canberra Short Film Festival - November 2020 - Canberra, Australia

2 - Dam Short Film Festival - February 2021 - Boulder City, NV - USA

3 - Beeston FIlm Festival - March 2021 - Beeston, UK

4 - Carmarthen Bay Film Festival - May 2021 - Carmarthen, UK

5 - Southport Film Festival - June 2021 - Nottingham, UK

6 - M. Holehead Warped Dimension - July 2021 - San Francisco, CA - USA


7 - Horrible Imaginings Film Festival - September 2021 - Santa Ana, CA - USA

8 - Philip K. Dick Science Fiction and Supernatural Film Festival - September 2021 - Astoria,NY - USA

9 - Cardiff Mini Film Festival - October 2021 - Cardiff, UK


10 - SENE Film Festival - October 2021 - Chapachet, RI - USA

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